How to use a Cafetière
The cafetière – also known as a French press – is a great all-round
piece of coffee equipment. Easy to use, it complements any roast and
with two sizes (our 3-Cup and 8-Cup), it’s perfect for when you’re going
solo or expecting company.
Did you know?
Despite its name, the cafetière – or "French press" – was
invented by an Italian man in 1929.
How Much Coffee Should You Use?
It’s all dependent on personal taste but we would generally say 1
scoop per cup.
3-Cup Cafetière:
3 scoops of coffee = 3 espresso cups or 1 mug
8-Cup Cafetière:
8 scoops of coffee = 8 espresso cups or a couple of mugs
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What Coffee Grind Type Should You Use?
Coarsely ground coffee is perfect for a cafetière. As a rule of thumb,
the longer the coffee is in contact with water, the coarser the grind
should be to avoid over-extraction. The cafetière method involves fully
immersing the coffee throughout the brew time, meaning a larger, coarse
grind is needed. In comparison, an espresso machine, for example, uses
pressure to force water through the coffee grounds, so the contact time
is much shorter, requiring a fine grind.
What Coffee Roast Type Should You Use?
Although any roast can be used with a cafetière, we tend to prefer a
medium-dark or dark roast. The beans’ delicious natural oils are brought
to the surface during these more intense roasting processes, and with no
filter paper to soak them up, they’re transferred directly to your cup,
making for a rich, robust flavour. Cardinal rule? Make sure it’s always
freshly ground!